SpiriTrawpical Healing
Worldwide Healing

Emily Simpson
"For background context - I was diagnosed terminal at 18 (I’m 24 now.) years old with “mystery autoimmune” though I’d received many labels already (MS, Lyme’s Disease, Hashimoto’s, RA, Lupus, Fibromyalgia to name a few) and basically sent home to die when conventional treatments didn’t succeed. I had nearly every symptom you can think of from seizures to hair loss to SEVERE digestive issues and it felt like my life had truly become an isolated torture chamber of physical existence with the amount of pain I was in round the clock. I began changing my diet and lifestyle, most notably among those changes were switching to a predominantly vegan diet and starting Completion Process Trauma Integration for the emotional triggers/struggle of healing and stress that contributed to forming illness in the first place. This helped immensely, and after several long years I got to a point of functionality again (being able to return to work and school), but I never thrived and my daily life was still very noticeably impacted by fatigue, pain, mental fogginess, problems sleeping, etc. I also knew I wasn’t functioning at nearly the level my peers were.
Starting detox is what has truly changed the game and given me back my quality of life again! First of all, Ailin is everything I had ever wanted in a doctor- she’s absolutely brilliant, so kind and compassionate, and listens deeply, treating you like a human rather than just another patient. She explains every symptom in depth, why you’re having it, whether it’s acute or genetic, and how to heal it. She gives you a very clear path to follow to restore your body to health. I can run and dance again guys!!! The biggest gift by far for me personally is having normal digestion for the FIRST TIME IN MY WHOLE LIFE PEOPLE! I’ve struggled with this from day one of being born- was always constipated, bloated, uncomfortable, etc. With the support of my herbal program and a raw diet, I feel comfortable and alive in my body in such a wonderful way! I feel light and free, capable, and strong again! I have energy in the mornings waking up, I sleep deeply and peacefully for the first time EVER! My moods are way more stable, my mind is clear and sharp. My skin glows! Is there anything I can’t say about this? Literally every part of my body and life has improved with this program!
It’s not without work. Detox isn’t always sunshine and roses. I have ups and downs on the spiral path of healing as well. But ultimately, with each deeper release I feel better and better on the other side. And now I’m wondering…how good can I feel? I have no idea! But I do have a very clear and visceral understanding now of why this works and what I’ll get out of it if I continue.
I can’t thank Ailin enough for her contribution as a practitioner. Going vegan is awesome and helped a lot but having the support of a detailed and specific herbal program is really what allowed me to thrive on this diet. My body weaknesses/toxicity before always led to collapse at some point. With herbs, it’s sustainable and possible to stick it out for the long haul of healing.
Sending love and wishes for a swift and graceful restoration of health to you all on your own journeys. And if you’re still contemplating…yes! It’s worth it! This is your little sign from the universe! "

Cathy T.
I learned about detox before having the pleasure of meeting Ailin. For two years prior, I ran around from functional doctors to specialists; desperate to get my life back. My main debilitating symptom was my shortness of breath, I was suddenly diagnosed with asthma. My shortness of breath prevented me from living my life. My “asthma” even prevented me from joining my family in Disney World; I was so winded from just walking that I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up with them. In fact, I was using a nebulizer 3x a day. Once detoxing for the first time in 2017, my quality of life quickly returned. I was shocked but so grateful….it was a dream come true. The more I learned how powerful food and herbs were, the more passionate I became to heal everything!!!
I contacted Ailin early 2019 for a consultation. I had met Ailin in 2018; I knew right away that I would one day be her client. I was so impressed by how passionate she is about detox, not to mention all the knowledge and experience. I wanted her input on what I should do next to dig deeper and strengthen my body. Ailin’s iridology reading was so detailed; it was presented in a way so easy to comprehend. When I talk with Ailin, she really listens to all of my concerns and addresses all of them!! She is so caring and so good at explaining how the body truly works and most importantly, how to fix it! She not only recommended which herbs would benefit me most, she recommended different healing modalities, how to use them and why they work. She is truly motivating! Thanks to Ailin, I’m now in the habit of having one day a week of just juicing which seemed impossible when she first suggested it!
I have seen so many improvements including better sleep, less anxiety, amazing energy, increased quality of life, no more shortness of breath, no longer always cold, being able to sweat better, no more vitamin / mineral deficiencies and no more bruising easily. Plus, I’ve had cysts and tumors dissolve… !! I truly feel better than I did 30 years ago!!
Detox is so much about food but also about our emotions. The mind, body and spirit are truly connected and Ailin helped guide me to have balance between them; I’m so grateful for her support.

Jesse Ayala
I don't even know where to start. Ailin has made a HUGE impact on my life. I landed on her youtube channel after countless of hours doing research trying to find some kind of relief to my ailments. Once I binged watched a couple of videos from her channel, everything I had heard from Ailin resonated with my soul and spirit on a very deep level. I knew this was it. I've had the typical history as most, vaccinated, standard american diet, drugs, etc. What prompted me to start looking for relief was when I started having panic/anxiety attacks, tremors, tingling, insomnia, undigested foods in stool, brain fog, poor memory, easily irritable, grey hair, eczema, rashes, and the list goes on. I reached out and made an appointment for an eye reading with a herbal protocol. Everything she explained was in great detail and matched everything that I was feeling in my body. The eyes truly are the window to the body and how its doing. Its amazing! Got to work right away, started on a raw orange juice fast. As I write this, today is day 39 on orange juice and most of my ailments have gone down immensely. What I thought was impossible was possible and without the need of pharmaceutical drugs. I'm long ways from being fully healed but 40 days on herbs and pure fruit and let me tell you... the difference is stunning. I definitely recommend someone like Ailin to guide you in your detox as it'll make it easier and motivate you to continue on this journey for its not an easy one. Thank you Ailin!

Drew Drake
Having watched Ailin's videos I suspected she was one of the very few real deal detox specialists out there. I arranged a consultation to get a feel for what she was all about and see if we would be on the same wavelength. Our first meeting went very well and confirmed to me that she truly knew her stuff.
Following this, I sent a photo of my eyes and requested an examination of them and a healing protocol. WOW is the next thing that happened. We have an incredibly insightful video call which confirmed what I knew deep down inside, that I have a lot of healing to do. I was amazed by how specific and thorough her reading was and when she sent me the full report a few days later I became absolutely stunned of the sheer depth and specificity.
Upon reading the extremely detailed personal report and detox program I felt terrified and elated. I was terrified because of the amount of damage in my body, despite showing a few external signs of weakness. I knew deep down that the damage was there because I know my lifestyle but I never expected it to be so serious.
I am elated and thrilled because this is the exact leverage I needed to make the serious changes necessary. Because I can now actually 'see' what is going on inside my body, and I understand it thanks to Ailin's supreme knowledge, I can do what is needed to cleanse, heal, and regenerate myself.
Already significant changes have begun. I sleep better, feel amazing, am calmer, look much fresher, and can focus much more effectively.
This is the REAL DEAL guys and there is no better and more qualified person to support you on healing and becoming your very best self.

Amy H.
I found Ailin on Youtube while looking for information on how to remove mucoid plaque easily. I was having some severe digestive issues, and I felt plaque might be one of the causes. Due to her using her advice just from her Youtube videos, mucoid plaque starting coming out and I was amazed. I scheduled an iridology reading with her, and we had a very thorough first session, and she confirmed a lot of my suspicions about my health and even revealed some things I did not know. She was even able to pick up on family genetic weaknesses that I did not tell her about. She could see them in my eyes! Amazing. I am very excited to go full force into her tailored protocol to heal my body all over. Ailin is a very inspiring and easy person to talk to, and she makes me want to learn so much more about this detox path as it is all so fascinating. She brings great hope that all of my troubles can be healed and I am already starting to feel so much better. For a long time I played around with the raw diet, but it never went deep enough by itself to clear my main issues out, which stemmed from childhood surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs. Now that I have this information about the pulling herbs (coupled with astringent fruits), I feel that I can finally deeply heal everything and transform myself which is so exciting. 😊

I reached out to Ailin initially on behalf of my five-year-old daughter. We had struggled for 3 full years with her constantly worsening symptoms (asthma, allergies, eczema, poor sleep patterns, mood swings...the list goes on) and seen countless doctors in an attempt to label her mystery rashes and fevers to no avail. My daughter has been on a raw diet and herbal protocol recommended by Ailin for a mere 45 days and we’ve seen more progress in the last 6 weeks than we ever could have dreamed of. I’m overwhelmed with her progress, grateful for Ailin and her compassion, and excited to see how her knowledge will continue to impact our family.
Megan Matthews

Shadiah Soliman
"I’ve been chronically ill for 7 ½ years with so many symptoms and have seen about 40 doctors with no real clear answers as to why I can’t stand and why I have so much pain and my body won’t heal! Over the last few years, I was diagnosed by some alternative doctors with Mold sickness, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Possible Lyme Disease, EBV, CFS, SIBO, Bulging discs, TMJ, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, and much more. Of all the treatments I would try nothing really worked or I would get temporary relief in some areas but then the pain would return a few hours or a day later! So after researching and finding out that diet can make a huge impact in healing the body, I started slowly changing my diet to a more Vegan diet over the last 8 months and have seen some small improvements. I recently started incorporating more fruit and was watching videos on people healing with a very high fruit diet. Then I came across Ailin on Youtube and watched all her videos. I knew I had to work with her! She seemed so smart and knowledgeable about how the body can truly heal using not only diet but also detox! She uses Iridology to read the eyes and see exactly what’s going on in the body. I just had my 1st consult and am very impressed! She is truly a blessing! She was very thorough during the consult and answered all my questions with patience and compassion. I can tell she truly cares about helping people heal as she was once sick herself! This was the 1st time in 7 ½ years that I FINALLY got answers to some of my unexplained symptoms!!! The Iridology report and other reports she sent were very detailed and left nothing unanswered. I’m so excited to work with Ailin on my healing journey and am so very thankful I found her!

Chantal Duncan
"I found Ailin through YouTube and her story immediately resonated with me. I could not ignore an overwhelming internal pull, into her healing hands. Ailin went above and beyond my expectations during our consultation, her approach a perfect cocktail of compassion and professionalism. As I embark on my healing journey, I feel grateful for her in my corner!"

I had been eating raw for a few years (raw in the summer and raw till dinner in winters) and I was still really struggling with my physical and mental health, especially during the winter months. I decided to go fully raw again June of last year and then got my appointment with Ailin in September. She gave me a personalized dietary and herbal protocol that included mainly astringent fruits, subacid fruits, some bananas/sweet fruits, and salads (to slow down detox). It also included a plethora of herbal formulas. I only followed the herbal protocol for like 2 months out of the year and the diet protocol for about 6 months (having continued raw but just having more sweet fruits, avocados, and salads than recommended) and have still experienced so much healing it is unbelievable. I can't imagine how I'd feel and what iris changes I'd see if I had continued with the protocol this whole time. Thank you Ailin! So blessed to have you as my health coach.
Nicole Goldsmid

Antonya Nacheva
I have been thinking about doing a detox program for months now and never got around to do it, then I had a serious injury which caused me to be home for some time. My best friend told me about Ailin's videos, I was instantly inspired by her and motivated to start my journey.
I had the privilege of having my consultation with Ailin. She is a true professional, very caring and personal. I have never had such an in-depth analysis of my medical condition and how to approach it. She points out the exact problems and areas which need to be healed and has a very thorough understanding of how the body works and how it can be healed. I received all the proper information and knowledge on my new and exciting journey to happiness. Ailin's work is absolutely phenomenal.
Thank you Ailin for all your help you are a true blessing!

Josh Blurton
I had been following SpiriTrawpical Healing for some time on Instagram before I decided to take a leap and order the Iridology and then Master your Health packages. Ailin gives in-depth knowledge of the iris. (Myself, recently new to iridology) I have a yellow rope around the bowels section of my eye, I thought it was lymph that just was not moving out, turns out it was interstitially locked in sulfur and my other issue was the second lobe of my right lung, which I thought was my liver! These are the reasons why we pay experts like Ailin to help us along our healing journey to the vibrant life we once had but have almost forgotten about. I highly recommend starting your healing journey here with Ailin and SpiriTrawpical Healing!

I couldn't be more blessed to have found Ailin! I have never met a Healer so sweet and dedicated to helping myself and others heal. Ailin provided me with an in-depth Iris Analysis that has surely given me answers to many of my health problems. This analysis has definitely pointed me in the right direction to start digging deep in my detoxification process. I especially appreciated Ailin's thorough descriptions and herbal recommendations. What I love most about Ailin is how personable and caring she is. It really sets her apart and makes you feel so comfortable and loved. Thank you so much Ailin, you're the definition of a true Healer/Angel!
Samantha Alcazar

Hayden Smith
I have been dealing with a chronic persistent headache for over 12 years and have just begun my journey to healing with the help and guidance from Ailin after giving up on the standard health industry and Doctors who just prescribe pharmaceutical drugs (which haven't helped at all). I had my first consultation with Ailin about a week ago and it was great. She provided a lot of in-depth information and answered any questions I had with honesty and enthusiasm. The fact that she is coming from a place of experience with suffering made our conversation that much more relate-able and compassionate. I look forward to continuing this Journey with Ailin's assistance :) I feel very confident with all of the information, recipes, and wisdom she has provided.

Brittany Landis
I cannot say enough wonderful things about Ailin. I am beyond impressed with the amount of knowledge she holds and her understanding of health and the human body. She is a kind, passionate soul who has already helped me so much and I've only just begun this detox journey. I've been battling Crohn's disease for over 10 years and in these past 10 years, I have not found one doctor who has focused on the root of the issue and how to truly heal me. For years now I have tried to heal myself through adopting a healthy diet and supplements. However, I was always unsure of what was working and what wasn't since I still dealt with symptoms. After speaking in depth with Ailin and having the iridology analysis done, I feel 100% confident that she can help me to heal Crohn's disease. I highly recommend Ailin!

Liz Alvarez
I had my first consultation with Ailin two Fridays ago and it was incredibly enlightening. I knew that I had found her just in time and once again, in the universe's mega magick this was no coincidence. I had reached a dead end with pill pushing "doctors" after six years, unwilling to help me, overcome severe drug addiction to #benzodiazepines, and lived in debilitating pain often leaving me bedridden and unable to function. I made significant improvements with a #plantbased diet but reached a point where I didn't know how to go deeper and needed guidance because of symptoms relapsing. My story lines up almost too perfectly with this woman, who is indeed a true healer, and was once living the same #fibromyalgia nightmare. She is caring, compassionate, practical, and most importantly well educated on a very wide range of just about everything. She answered every question I had saved up in my scribbled notebook with confidence and had the missing pieces to the puzzle that had hindered me from true healing for years. After an extensive intake and iris analysis, she put together a detailed plan to flush my damaged systems from the -specific- problems that have been piling up for decades and causing disease in my tired body. I've never believed since day one that fibromyalgia is its own entity. I believe the cause is unique to every individual who is suffering and can be traced, found, and turned around if you are willing to dig. Knowledge is power. I highly recommend her to any of you suffering from any kind of #chronicillness who have been pushed aside by doctors and left for dead. Unfortunately, there are far too many of us. For the first time in so long, I have felt HOPE and have complete #faith that my body will make a full turn around and recovery. Thank you Ailin for being such an inspiring beacon of #light, and having a genuine open heart for the sick, the broken, and the hopeless. We need more of you on this planet #earth.

Mara Weber
Ailin puts her heart into every bit of her work. The initial call was like a dream come true for me, someone who has been sick her whole life. All of my symptoms, even the tiniest ones, finally made sense. Usually, health practitioners treated me like a puzzle that was just... unsolvable. Symptoms that bothered me the most were written off as unimportant or that they were "all in my head". I could write a book about how kind, encouraging, and patient Ailin is. She makes the impossible seem possible and has given me hope, which I haven't had in years. Every time I finish a phone call with Ailin it feels as though she has recharged my batteries and given me the strength to keep going on my journey from Hellville to Wellville! ;)
And, although I'm only at the beginning of my healing journey I can already say that something, even if it is the tiniest thing, has shifted. I can't wait to see where this healing journey will take me!
I am eternally grateful to Ailin! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

My wife Gricel and I stumbled upon one of Ailin's intro to Iridology youtube videos. On watching that, we knew that Ailin was who we wanted a consultation and ongoing consultancy as we launch into our detox. We chose the Initial Package as a way of getting started. The other day we had our face-to-face (via Skype as we are currently in Peru) session with Ailin. As we'd expected, she was thorough, deeply knowledgable, a strong listener and someone with whom we feel delighted to be working. We have since received the entire analysis package and are delighted with the range and scope of information. thank you Ailin ... we look forward to working with you to regain optimal health
Mark Lewis

Vindri Gajadhar
On December 17, I began my first fruit fast ever. At that point in time, I was following the lead of my mom who had been learning about the teachings of Dr. Morse. My mom was going to have to wait for months to get an appointment with one of Dr. Morse's consultants. When I decided to see if I could find anyone closer to us than Port Charlotte, Florida, I stumbled across Ailin's website. Her story intrigued me and her proximity was definitely a bonus. When we called her up by phone she was gracious enough to offer us a consultation for THAT VERY DAY!! I was totally blown away by her generosity. Due to time constraints, we decided to see her the next morning instead. We bought 3 master detox packages (one for my mom, one for me and one for my 11-year-old daughter who has suffered from chronic headaches for the last 2 years).
I initially thought that the package was pricey, but I had NO CLUE what I was going to get in return. To be honest, the amount I spent on each of us was a very small price to pay for what I have received from Ailin and Gabriel. These 2 individuals are worth their weight in gold.
Ailin and Gabriel spent about 4 hours with us that Saturday morning. They taught us so much about detoxing and didn't hold back anything. They showed us the natural products they use themselves, explained the details of our iris readings, taught us about how the body works and even showed us the contents of their fridge!! I mean, these two people are not in the business of making money, they are definitely working from the heart and go all out for their clients.
From that day forward, Ailin has been there any time I ever had a question about what I was doing and has been supporting me through the ups and downs of detox. She has been so encouraging and her knowledge of healing is immense. She always gives me honest, clear and factual answers when I need clarification. She is extremely compassionate and knows that for beginners, this is not an easy process. She has been able to meet us where we are and show us the way forward.
Ailin was there to pick up my spirits and encourage me. She never pressures. She always supports. She always teaches. She empowers. She cares.
If you are looking to change your life for the better, you couldn't find a more caring person than Ailin Duran. Although I know that our relationship began as a business transaction, it has turned out to be much more than that for me now. She has been a real coach and friend. She is a real giver.
Thank you Ailin for devoting your life to helping others. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. For your kindness, I will be eternally grateful.

Elizabeth Saavadra
"Before I found Ailin I was a person searching for health answers everywhere and trying absolutely everything. Suffering from chronic inflammation, constipation, parasites, fatigue, muscle pain (fibromyalgia), acne, bloating and a lot of emotional pain repressed under all my conditions. I just knew there was more to my own potential than what I had to offer. Before discovering detox, I never knew how good my body was designed to feel! How I would fall in love with how cleansing and delicious natures fruit are!
Let me start by saying how amazing Ailin is! She is the most caring, attentive, understanding, and patient advisor you could ever ask for! She's so reassuring, motivating and encouraging through the entire detox process! She walks you every step of the way and celebrates all of your victories! She even works with your budget, even though she's worth way more than what she charges! Saving me probably thousands in doctor and chiropractic bills. She's truly God sent, a real healer. She works very hard to provide her clients with exactly the remedies and protocols they specifically need for their unique healing. She really helped me understand my body breaking down, exactly how my body filters, and eliminates acids and waste. I honestly can't thank her enough! After just a month of working with her, I accomplished more for my health than in the 3 years I have been trying to get well with healthy eating, exercising, trying herbs and juices... Honestly though just within the first 3 days of working with her, all the congestion in my body began to break apart and release.
I can honestly say I feel so good. I feel free from my pain, I feel so youthful again and I plan to carry a fruit and vegetable diet for the rest of my life! Not to mention all the stubborn weight I have been trying to lose for years fell right off, I am beaming with health and it's only just the beginning! If there was ever a concern as to if this was the real deal in healing have no fear because it is!

Annel Escalante
"First of all, I can't explain how amazing this journey has been alongside my detox coach Ailin Duran. She is beyond great! She has helped me a lot in learning how to detox. She is a very educated and nice person. She answered all my questions and concerns that I had. When I first started the detox, I was scared and unsure about everything that would come along, but she gave me hope and she was always there for me whenever I needed encouragement and just someone to cry to. She is very supportive and understanding of everything I went through. She's just awesome! So far my detox has been a roller coaster, but I'm glad to say that my goiter has shrunk a lot and I've lost about 25 pounds on her detox program! I have noticed positive changes and I'm very excited to keep on working with her. If you are sick and want to detox for a healthier lifestyle, you are in the right place! Thank you Ailin for being such an inspiration to me!"

Adela Zamora
"Christmas of 2014, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Later on, I was also diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer and Lymphoma. I was devastated and on my way to surgery for Thyroid removal and Chemotherapy treatment. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. After hearing there was life after detoxification, I changed my diet instantaneously. I incorporated many green juices that included dandelion greens, parsley, cilantro, beets, and wheat grass. I ate lots of fruit as well. After just 6 weeks I went back to the doctors and they told me that the cancer had disappeared. They couldn't believe it and said that the medication they prescribed me must have worked significantly better than they had planned. Little did they know I had not been taking them at all. Thankfully, Ailin recommended that I didn't, but instead to rely on the power of detoxification!
Fast forward to today, after going to the hospital for evaluation, I keep thanking God for his miracle and for putting knowledgeable people in my life who walked me to a better alternative than what the doctors were offering. Per Doctor's call for 2nd-time test results, I am a normal healthy being! Free of hyperthyroidism, no cancerous cells present and have normalized lymph nodes! How thankful can I be to God and to my healers. Since then, I am Vegetarian and aiming hard on the Vegan way of eating. Thank you Heavenly Father and thank you so much Ailin Duran."

Alex Alcazar
"I was going through a nonstop roller coaster in my battle with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Pain is all I'd ever known since diagnosed at 18 months old. Flip-Flopping with doctors and medications for so many years made me feel worse. I was willing to do whatever it took to fix myself. I've been taking my herbs and eating raw for two days now and I'm feeling a lot better! I have been having a lot more energy and have been a lot more positive and happy! I've been taking less and less medications by the day, it's amazing! I don't have to take Soma anymore! I just know that it won't be long now until I won't be needing any medications anymore. Finding Ailin has been a true blessing. It takes a special person to understand and be genuine to work with extremely ill people. Thank you so much for your support Ailin."

Denise Reyes
"I am no longer in pain from Fibromyalgia. My RLS and Fatigue are gone. Every day I'm getting more and more energy. I was sick for 3.5 years. It would take me 4 hours - with breaks - to just sweep and mop my downstairs. I was able to do both yesterday in 30 minutes! I'm so excited! I forgot what it felt like to be normal again. If it wasn't for Ailin, I wouldn't be able to share this with you. I've lost 25 pounds too! Thank you Ailin! May God Bless you!"